How to export email stats for your campaign in Ontraport

How to export email stats for your campaign in Ontraport

You have created the landing pages, automations, emails and all that and you've finally sent out your campaign. Now you want to measure the email performance by checking the open rate, click through rate, opt-outs and so on. If that is the case, the next step is to export the data and look at the numbers. Here is how to do that.

In this post you will learn how to export your email performance metrics in csv format and prepare it for data analysis.

Exporting stats in Ontraport

You'd think that it would be a straight forward task to export your email stats in Ontraport. But surprisingly, it is not!

That is one thing I like more about Infusionsoft over Ontraport, it is pretty easy to download the email kpis of each and every campaign. In Ontraport you have to find a way around in order to download your stats.

Currently the only export option available on Ontraport is for the Contacts.

If you go to 'Contacts' tab and select the contacts you want to export, a new action tab will appear with the option to export. You click on 'Export' and all the selected contacts will be downloaded along with the selected column values.

But if you try to do the same with Messages, you won't find the export button. But there is workaround.

Workaround to export Ontraport email statistics

When you export the contacts, you will get a long url, something like this!/contact/export&id=&criteria=%7B%22condition%22%3A%22....

And the screen will look like this

If you look at the url above, you will see the part that says /contact/

This means that this url will activate the export of the selected contacts. All you have to do to get the messages downloaded is to replace the "contact" with "message".

The final url will look like this!/message/export&id=&criteria=%7B%22condition%22%3A%22%....

And the screen will look like this.

In this screen all you have to do is select the column names you want to keep and then export. It will export all of your messages along with the data in each of the columns you have selected.

You don't have much control over the messages you are going to export. All of the messages will get exported.

Tip : Here is what I do to keep everything organised. I give each campaign a number and code to indicate the type of email it is. For example, a latest campaign could be 0011 and if the emails are invitation emails, they will be inv1, inv2 etc followed by the email subject line.

So the final naming would be something like "0011_Inv1_Hi, are you interested in joining"

When you download the stats for all your messages in bulk they will all fall in order and it will be easy for you to recognise them on a later date.

Please let me know if you know a better system.

So let me quickly recap.

Steps involved in creating Ontraport email/ message performance report

  • Go to contacts >> select all the contracts >> click Export
  • Copy the contact export url
  • Change the part that says /contact/ to /message/
  • It will take you to message exporting page
  • Select the columns you want to keep
  • Click export

Hope this helps.

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